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Care Services

Providing a quality service to those in need is a full-time job. You need someone with the expertise and experience to help you navigate the law and risks involved.

A care nurse talking to a patient

We help care providers cut the complexity of risk so they can provide the highest level of service and peace of mind to those in need.

We do this through specialist expertise and unique educational tools like our online knowledge library rradarstation, intelligent legal assistant rradargrace and incident reporting tool rradarreport.

A growing and complex sector

An ageing population and an increase in the need for childcare and provision for special needs have brought a significant expansion in the care sector over recent years. This growth has come with new regulations and legislation, giving care providers more to manage to remain compliant and in business.

  • Get support dealing with regulators such as the Care Quality Commission or Care Inspectorate
  • Keep up to date with changes to the law, hiring staff and issues such as disclosure and barring, tax and employment rights
  • Access expert advice on handling inquiries and safeguarding vulnerable service users
  • Representation in commercial disputes
  • Representation at Coroner’s Court inquests

Some of the services described on the website may not be available in all jurisdictions. 

How we can help

Whether you need advice on health and safety issues, drafting terms and conditions, guidance on employment grievances, reviewing property leases, pre or post regulator inspection support, or need help in clarifying your rights in a commercial contract. We can provide the reassurance and most appropriate strategies to tackle your problems and help to resolve them before they escalate into bigger issues.

We can also provide longer term support and can carry out full audit reviews of your health and safety and employment documents, identify potential legal issues, and be a first port of call for all your risk management and legal concerns.

The tools you need to succeed

Our team of experienced health and safety experts is here to guide and advise you on how to reduce risk and can carry out full audit reviews of your health and safety documents, identify potential legal issues, and be a first port of call for all your risk management and legal concerns. Plus, our unique educational tools and services can help prevent issues and help you navigate a crisis should the worst happen.

Need advice? Speak to our experts

Whether you are looking to strengthen your processes, navigate risk roadblocks or protect your business from harm, our team is armed with the guidance and tools you need to be by your side and make your business unstoppable.