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Safeguarding your reputation, finances, staff and students means knowing what the law requires and getting it right. Expert guidance and tools can make all the difference.

A teaching at a whiteboard

If you are in the education sector you will know that it involves far more than just teaching.

Whether you are an early years nursery, state run primary or academy, independent private school (residential or non residential), adult education centre, college, university, or other higher education establishment you have a lot of responsibility. From safeguarding your students and staff welfare, handling conflicting governor and trustee challenges and complying with the ever changing legislation is hard to keep on top of. But ignoring or taking short cuts in risk management can have serious repercussions on your establishment’s reputation, finances and ultimately its future.  

That is where we can help, by giving you access to legal and regulatory expertise, unique tools and training support so you can rest easy knowing you have us by your side when you need us, relieving stress and fighting to protect you and your educational establishment.  

How we can help

We support educational establishments with specialist legal and risk management help covering a number of different issues you might face. This includes:

  • Giving proactive employment law expertise to stop issues arising in the first place from recruiting and reviewing and drafting teacher contracts, to queries on holiday pay and performance management 
  • Representation and support during tribunal claims, disciplinary issues, grievances, redundancy and settlement agreements 
  • Guidance and advice around discrimination claims and student and parent complaints 
  • Data protection law including gathering, use, retention and disclosure  
  • The Freedom of Information Act and its safeguards  
  • Representation in regulatory and police investigations and defence in Court proceedings
  • Health and safety reviews, audits and awareness training 
  • Resolving commercial contracts and disputes 
  • Advising governor and trustees on the role of the Department of Education 
  • Reputation management and crisis PR  
  • Cyber security awareness training   
  • Assistance with RIDDOR reporting
  • Guidance on self-reporting to regulators including OFSTED, Independent Schools Inspectorate, OFS and Education Scotland

Some of the services described on the website may not be available in all jurisdictions. 

The tools you need to succeed

Discover how our unique services can help you and your organisation:

Need advice? Speak to our experts

Whether you are looking to strengthen your processes, navigate risk roadblocks or protect your business from harm, our team is armed with the guidance and tools you need to be by your side and make your business unstoppable.